
Signpost transition definition
Signpost transition definition

signpost transition definition

Day Services for adults with a learning disability.To find out more about Adult Disability Services follow this link.If we need to visit you to begin our assessment, we aim to do so within six weeks from initial contact. In urgent situations, we will aim to make contact within 1 day. From initial we will aim to contact you/your representative within two weeks.A care plan is developed by the people who actually support your son/daughter to actively engage in their daily activities in a way that works for them. Each young persons support plan will be different depending upon their assessed needs. (a support plan is not the same as a care plan). The support plan is developed based on the needs identified in the core assessment.For more information please call the Adult Disability Service on (01481) 222000 The Adult Disability Team has a dedicated transition co-ordinator that will work with the children all through the transition time.Once your son / daughter has been assessed as having a learning disability, a member of the learning disability team will complete the adult core assessment, this is used to identify your child's needs. To be considered for services and or support from adult learning disability team, your child must be 18 years of age and have been assessed as having a learning disability.

signpost transition definition

The Day Service can be accessed by young people who are 18+ with learning difficulties.700218 or email and Autism Guernsey can all provide safe and secure working environments for disabled people with a range of care and support needs. Voluntary organisations offer some employment opportunities for young people with disabilities: Grow Ltd, GO, Action for Children Tel.The States of Guernsey have an Education Services representative who helps with students' inclusion through liaising with schools, colleges and other support agencies.Follow the link for leaflets about about Le Murier School, the Guernsey College of Further Education and the Access Course and the Guernsey Employment Trust.These have been produced by students, parents and professionals as part of a project called Guernsey Map to Adulthood.A range of information leaflets is available about the help and support which is available to young people with special educational needs.For more information about transition planning and what is included in the Transition Plan, please follow this link.A member of the transition team will continue to attend school and other relevant reviews to help us explore future options post 18 and we will also start our assessment.Age 16+ (School Year 12 and above) - deciding what to do after leaving full-time education.A member of the transition team will attend school and other relevant reviews to help us explore future options post 18 and if appropriate, we will sign post you to the things you have identified.Age 15/16 (School Year 11) - deciding what to do after Year 11.We will also sign post you to some websites/ organisations that you may find helpful during the transition period. You will receive a copy of the adult learning disability transition process and will continue to liaise with colleagues in children's services so that we have a record of potential up and coming referrals.Age 13/14 (School Year 9) - deciding what to study in Years 10 and 11.The important transition points for young people include:.Your child will have a 'person centred plan' which aims to empower people with learning disabilities to live as independently as possible, as well as achieving equality in many areas of their life. Young People with a Determination of Special Educational Needs (SEN) will require extra help with this planning which is co-ordinated by the 'Transitions Team' in liaison with the school. All young people receive support to help them plan their choices and decisions.'Transition' means change and refers to the time when a young person is moving on from full-time education at school.Because services try to work around the needs of the child and their family, young people can move from children's to adults' services at different ages.

Signpost transition definition